’95-’02 Buell Tube Frame to XB Wheels & Front Suspension Conversion


This steering stem and wheel conversion spacers allow the tube frame Buell community the ability to easily swap ’03-’10 XB Buell front suspension and wheels onto their rides.

For the front suspension, simply press the old XB steering stem out of the donor XB front end and press our Engineered Velocity steering stem in its place. Better suspension, lower unsprung weight, bigger rotor and an 8 or 6 pot caliper are some of the benefits from the swap.

For the rear XB wheel swap, milling of the stock brake bracket is required to complete the installation of the rear XB wheel. Larger wheel with lower unsprung weight coupled with a larger rear sprocket to help low end acceleration are the benefits of this installation.

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Because of the precise tolerances of this item and the need for a hydraulic press we rate the difficulty of this installation as “advanced.”  Professional help with the install may be necessary if experience and tools are not available to conduct this swap.

Made in the USA!